Saturday, August 28, 2021

Detachable Wings

Heart E's angel wing bags are one of my favorite items... I know I'll never be able to get my hands on an original, so I decided to make one of my own. I got comments on mine, so I thought some people might find this useful!

They're fairly quick and easy to make. I used a machine for mine but here's a good tutorial for hand sewing. Though they shouldn't be too hard to handsew using my way too! 

You'll need: fabric (1/4 yard at most) and stuffing (I used old quilt batting but, any stuffing should work as long as you flatten the shape out)

some notes on materials: I used fleece for mine and the original ones are in fleece too, but I don't reccomend it because fleece can look kinda tired and dirty with use (or at least mine does). If you're using fabric shreds as stuffing don't pack it too tightly and make sure youre using a heavier duty needle and go slowly when topstitching to avoid breaking needles.

1. draw the shape out on paper (remember to add seam allowance!) then use that as a template to cut out your fabric. (two pieces for the front and back!)

I traced the wing shapes...the ones on the left are mine..

2. sew almost all the way around right sides together (leave a gap somewhere where the seam will be straight so it's easier to sew shut)

3. flip around and draw where the wings will be topstitched (skip if you want to freehand it)

4. fill with stuffing and handsew the opening closed

5. topstitch. (if you're freehanding: put pins in place to get a general sense of what it'll look like)

6. if you're making the devil version and want the tail... sandwich the string/ribbon/flat part of the tail in between the two traingles and sew them together like below. You can also skip the stuffing for the tail too, just topstitch all around it after flipping it all right sides out.

7. attatch to a bag!

I safety pinned mine onto this bag for now!

Thanks for reading! If anyone ends up making one please let me know!

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